Monthly Archives: January 2016

Next Dancing The Moment Classes!

DTM-25Hello Friends!

I’m thrilled to announce I’ll be back home in Vancouver, Canada next month giving classes at The Scotia Bank Dance Centre for the Training Society of Vancouver! If you’re in the neighbourhood I’ll be teaching February 15,17,19th. Come downtown and start your day by Dancing The Moment!

Working Class

Scotiabank Dance Centre

677 Davie St, Vancouver, BC

For more information check the link below:


2016: New Year, New Intentions


Hello Friends!

I hope 2016 started off on a bright note for you. If it didn’t no worries that happens too! It doesn’t mean that the rest of the year is doomed! Sometimes life is like that. It throws us a curve ball or takes us off guard, makes us realize we’re not quite ready for what’s coming and then shows us exactly where we have to turn our focus.

My New Year pretty much started off like that: It took me by surprise with an emotional storm rolling in and my immune system crashed.

Then like the calm after the storm, reflection came and along with it my word for 2016: Gentleness.  

Over the holidays a big sign from life kept saying to me LET GO and SLOW DOWN. It was hard at first. My mind didn’t want to accept how exhausted my body was. I’ll be honest, low energy is not a state I’m comfortable operating at and being still can be hard for me. It was scary, because being in that quiet space felt like losing control.

I was so caught up in my actions and the events going on around me that I’d forgotten how important stillness was in order to create space, regenerate my body and renew my creativity.

The only way was to take a step back and look inward. I started to observe and listen again. It was like life was holding up a mirror for me to see how I was responding to my reality. I could see what was being reflected back to me depending on how I was viewing the world at that moment: from a place of love or fear.

My experience taught me how much we like to keep the “pressure button” on in our lives. We try to push through everything in order to feel in control or “on top” of things. During the creative process, we think we need to produce something spectacular and put such high standards on ourselves to keep achieving and showing up for deadlines.

My slow start to the New Year reminded me about the balance between action and stillness, especially before moving forward in new directions. We need to slow down in order get in touch with how we feel and where we truly are, otherwise we’re not creating from an authentic place anymore. It’s important to take time to gather our energy and strength back, so that when the moment comes to move on, we’re clear with our intentions and can embrace our actions with renewed energy and optimism.

Out of all the chaos, fatigue and letting go, came a new sense of awareness and my word for 2016, gentleness.

What’s your word for the New Year? Take some time to think about it and let it be your guide. Follow your inner rhythm and be gentle with yourselves through times of change.

Wish you all a bright 2016 and hope to meet again soon in the studio!

With love,

Anouk *


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