Full Circle

IMG_20160719_184210Hello Friends,

I’d like to share a bit of my story with you and what inspired Dancing The Moment.

In the summer of 2012, I was diagnosed with a hernia in my lumbar spine. It happened at the height of an intense tour performing across Europe. At such an important moment in my career, it was a huge disappointment and loss for me. I continued to perform, but felt more and more divided. I was in need of healing and ready to face myself, so I set out on a journey to the source of my pain. 

I discovered that my essential joy of dance and freedom of self-expression was overpowered by my desire to please others, my constant pursuit for perfection, my belief I was never good enough and my need to prove myself.
I was full of fears: Fear of abandonment, fear of my emotions, fear of shining, fear of my power, fear of rejection, fear of failure the list went on. My fears guided me though, showing me how to accept, integrate and transform them into fuel for my growth and freedom.

A series of synchronistic events took me on adventures across Europe, Bali, Morocco, Oregon and Canada. I started surfing, rediscovering my passion and joy for life, as well as my belief in myself. I dove deep into my healing process taking part in rituals, workshops and doing one on one work. I met incredible people who shared their experiences and support. I spent a lot of time alone journeying into my own psyche and body. I wanted to share and help inspire others find their own way back to wholeness, so I started teaching. Every adventure although challenging at times, was always life affirming.


Reflecting on the last four years, I realize my injury was an important turning point. It paved a way for me where the paths of art and healing started to merge. I’ve learned I have nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, those darker parts of me are a source for my creativity. My fears and traumas I’ve experienced or inherited are part of my story, but don’t define me. I’m learning to embrace my wounds, finding peace and reconciliation with them in my heart.  
I came full circle last month when I was back on stage after a year without performing. It was exhilarating to dance again and return home to the language of my heart.

Wishing you a beautiful summer as we navigate these intense waters of change in our individual and collective lives…

With Love,