




  1. an intersection of two or more roads.

a point at which a crucial decision must be made that will have far-reaching consequences.

“we stand again at a historic crossroads

a road that crosses a main road or joins two main roads.

noun: crossroad


Hello Friends!

Have you ever been at a crossroads? I think we all have moments in our lives where we arrive to a point and a decision or change of direction must be made without knowing what comes next. It normally signals the end of a chapter and the beginning of a new one. It’s a scary moment, because we realize we can no longer ignore that inner calling for something new, while at the same time fear of the unknown or attachment to what’s familiar and safe holds us back or in a kind of limbo. The process can take days, months even years, but my experience has been that no matter how terrifying it may seem, the voice pulling us towards that new horizon is the one to listen to. There are different phases the first being a kind of awakening or realization. After the letting go starts by facing our fears, releasing attachment, patterns or ways of being, until finally the choice is made and the leap of faith is taken propelling us into unknown territory as we embark on a new journey.

An important crossroads for me came back in the summer of 2012 at the height of my dance career when I was diagnosed with a hernia in my lumbar spine. It was a huge shift in my life that eventually put me on a path of healing and self-realization. Along the way I learned what it takes to embrace change and face the unknown: bravery and trust, the ability to let go and be vulnerable, open up to support from others and cultivate self-love.

My body and my emotions taught me how they are connected to my state of mind, to the thoughts I tell myself daily or to beliefs about myself based on past events that I’ve carried with me throughout my life (or lifetimes). Following my intuition a series of synchronistic events took me on a journey of powerful transformative experiences. I sat through rituals, around fires, confided in friends, took workshops, received healings, sought counseling, guidance and traveled. I kept performing and at the same time took a distance from the world that had been my life for so long to explore other passions like singing, painting, writing and surfing.

With every experience I overcame my fears, passed through my own limiting beliefs and gained more confidence. As I continued, I discovered there was a teacher inside of me who wanted to serve, share and help inspire others on their journeys. Life became a creative process, challenging and humbling, but beautiful and deeply rewarding.

Now the dancer inside of me is calling and I’m anxious, because I know I’m at another crossroad. I also know when the voice of fear speaks it’s up to me to lean into the discomfort and find the gift that’s on the other side. I realize my life as a dancer isn’t over it’s simply changing form, transforming me as I flow with the times, dancing with the ups and downs and dancing to the tune of my heart. Like a lighthouse, I’m returning to when I first started dancing as a child from a place of joy and uninhibited freedom of expression. I’m hearing the muse again inviting me to dance, but now with more experience, awareness, care and appreciation.

Just like this summer up on those cliffs looking out to the horizon I’m sitting on the edge, ready to let go and jump to the next level, embrace change and surrender to forces beyond my control, while at the same time actively participate and dance along with life’s proposals. This is where I feel most alive, where I tap into my unlimited creativity, surrender to the moment and receive inspiration for the next part of my journey.

This is Dancing The Moment.


With Love,
